fly me to the moon


Who are you? Who slips into my robot body and whispers to my ghost?
Two quadrupedal stick-legged creatures with bodies resembling a horned helmet with a fish tail. One is red, the other is blue.

MesoMeso is a Ghost intended to be a blank/basic slate for a Kawari Ghost. It started as a feverish project that I attempted to complete in one night, as it is based off of the CHIPS Kawari Template. MesoMeso is, essentially, a stripped down version of CHIPS.

It's also intended to be a bit more friendly for YAYA developers coming from YAYA to Kawari. CHIPS, the Ghost it is based on, uses a middleware system as its base. However, the middleware style is not commonly used in YAYA Ghosts. So, MesoMeso forgoes this in favor of coding directly in the events, as a YAYA Ghost would.

Download MesoMeso here: Github Releases

V 1.0.1

- Official Release
- Removed balloon highlighting by default to prevent any balloons from being accidentally highlighted.
- Removed unnecessary code in etc.kis
- Tweaked dialogues.
- Changed pronoun examples when adding new pronouns.
- Reduced petting time.
- Added f1 hotkey to open the readme.
- Added proper version definition in surfaces.txt.
- Added explicit license for artwork in readme for clarity.

V 1.0.0

- Unofficial Release


design by almost sweet - resources